Prototyping and R&D support


Together with the customer, we consider and solve problems associated with manufacturing in the R&D departments.

Providing Solutions

As a specialist in plastic machining, we provide accurate advice on questions about shapes, materials, machining methods, etc., and support the manufacturing of prototypes and R&D products for mass production. We respond to a variety of requests for parts to be attached to existing equipment and jigs to fix experimental objects in research and development sites.


Why to Choose Kishimoto Industry

Our primary mission is to reduce the amount of time and effort required by development personnel to think and work outside of their normal duties, and to improve operational efficiency in order to achieve results. Kishimoto Industry has been involved in product development and production engineering for a long time, and we utilize our hands-on skills to assist in solving manufacturing problems.



No Drawings Necessary

If you take a sketch or an image you have in your mind and actually implement it in CAD with the necessary dimensions, you will see the difference between what you can and cannot do. By showing you what is and isn’t possible, we can help you step by step to move forward and show you what we can do in CAD, assisting you in taking the steps to make your ideas a reality.